We are a local group of Diabetes UK and we are all volunteers.
Our goal is to provide support and information to anyone with an interest in diabetes, including people living with diabetes, families, friends and carers and health care professionals.
We cannot give medical advice or comment on individual circumstances, but we can support each other and share experiences.
We encourage those interested to attend our group meetings which are a welcoming and social environment for people to discuss diabetes and its effects. Support and companionship are some of the simplest yet most important aspects of living with diabetes - this is why our group exists and we want to help in any way that we can.
Each year we elect members on to our committee to run the Group, and we always welcome anyone new who would like to get more involved.
The current Committee Members are:
Chair: Shirley Sherwood
Secretary: Linsay Halliday
Vice Chair: Brenda Riley
Treasurer: David Moore
Minutes Secretary: Sandra Gale
Website: Glynis Beattie
Other Committee Members: Kushla Jamdagni, David Cantrell, Vanessa Vahey, Sandra Gale, Josie Pinder, Mairead Shipley