We produce a regular NewsBrief, usually once a month. If you would like to receive this by email, please request to be added to our mailing list. Your email address will be used solely for the purpose of sending the NewsBrief and will never be passed on to a third party.
Latest Newsletters
February 2025
This includes articles on Healthwatch, how to help DUK in campaigning, a new walking programme etc..
January 2025
Read all the reports about the Group's activities during the past year.
December 2024
This issue contains lots of technology news, including a report on the November meeting and how to get free samples of blood glucose monitors. It also looks ahead to 2025.
November 2024
Read a summary of the presentation by a dietitian on Food and Diabetes along with other interesting features
October 2024
This issue contains news about research, coming events etc. as well as opportunities to take part in surveys.
September 2024
This issue details several research projects looking for people with diabetes as well as news of upcoming events.
August 2024
This issue has a report on Ultra Processed Food, details of a course on how to cook low cost healthy meals, an account of how a mother coped with her son's Type 1 diagnosis in the 1980's and lots of other interesting snippets.
July 2024
Looking forward to the next meeting and interesting reports on topics of interest.
June 2024
This issue details various research projects you can get involved with as well as news on upcoming events and a feature on social prescribing.
May 2024
See the latest on the Type 2 Action hub, get up to date on what's happening over insulin shortages etc.
April 2024
Read about the new tech being rolled out for people with Type 1 diabetes. There is also an account of the Hero of Health meeting along with details of how to get further information about what support they can give.
March 2024
This issue contains more research news and a summary of the meeting where Dr Song answered our questions as well as all the usual features.
February 2024
This issue contains opportunities to get involved in research as well as news about events and one man's story about how peer support has made a difference to his life with diabetes.
January 2024
This has an update on NICE recommendations for the closed loop system for Type 1 as well as updates on recent and upcoming events.
December 2023
This includes reviews of the presentation on Growing up with diabetes and of the Diabetes and Wellbeing Gala. It also looks ahead to the first few meetings of 2024, and there is a feature on the new NICE guidelines for the use of hybrid closed loop technology.
November 2023
This issue looks forward to the highly anticipated Diabetes and Wellbeing Gala. If you missed the presentation on carbohydrates by Alison Holloway, Diabetes Specialist Dietitian, you can catch up with what she said. There are also lots of other interesting snippets.
October 2023
Read the latest news on Covid and Flu vaccines, eye screening, a report on our meeting on annual reviews etc.
September 2023
This issue talks about annual reviews as well as diabetes tech and has all the latest news for the diabetes community.
August 2023
The theme this month is peer support, including NHS advice and what is available in Sheffield. We would also like your thoughts on what we should be covering in 2024.
July 2023
This NewsBrief is a themed edition, with articles about the benefits of having a canine companion, as well as info on the latest tech campaign.
June 2023
Read a report of our recent Tech event and find out how you can help with diabetes research.
May 2023
This issue is all about tech and how it can help people with diabetes. There is also an article on coping with stress as well as all the usual features.
April 2023
If you missed our March Group meeting this is your chance to read all about how to reduce the risks and cope with the challenges of hypos in Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. There is also an article on support for young people and a look forward to our Diabetes and Tech event as well as a delicious recipe.
March 2023
This month we cover managing diabetes during Ramadan, long covid,etc.
February 2023
Articles this month cover whether diabetes can be reversed, information on upcoming events etc.
January 2023
Read all the latest diabetes news. There are articles on diabetes and remission, low carb recipes and lots of other information of interest.
December 2022
This festive edition contains tips on enjoying Christmas with diabetes. There are also reports on the latest, very interesting meetings on Going into hospital and Travelling with diabetes.
November 2022
This issue covers World Diabetes Day, and has lots of information on how diabetes affects your everyday life. It also looks ahead to 2023, with an exciting event to start off the New Year.
October 2022
You can read a report on September's meeting which was all about psychological wellbeing and the services offered by Sheffield IAPT. There are also details of a research project on diabetes and hypoglycaemia, as well as features on fat and low carb bread.
September 2022
This issue has lots of food related content, including details of the low calorie diet project and what alternatives there are to dairy products. You can also read about proposals to relocate some GP surgeries.
August 2022
The summer issue has a report on Professor Heller's presentation on diabetes past and future, details of our evening walk, chat, sit and relax as well as some delicious food tips.
July 2022
This issue has information on the Sheffield's Sweet Enough campaign, a report on the Diabetes and Food meeting, an article on the community regeneration charity SOAR and lots of other useful snippets.
June 2022
Read a report from our April meeting about how to cope when newly diagnosed. There is also advice on managing glucose levels with starch food.
May 2022
This edition has a summary of the meeting on Diabetes and Tech, and looks forward to the MoveMore event in June, along with an article on the benefits of eating broccoli and details of a research project involving women with Type 2 diabetes and cancer screening,
April 2022
Find out about the new NICE (National Institute of Health and Care Excellence) guidelines for the use of technology in diabetes. There are also details of how to take part in the NHS low calories diet pilot for people with Type 2 diabetes, and lots of other interesting articles.
March 2022
This month you can find out how to help the people of Ukraine, read advice on how to cope with diabetes during Ramadan, find details of a research study and get information on booking a free taxi to get your Covid19 jab.
February 2022
Along with all the usual snippets of news, this month has a feature on Mary MacKinnon, who lived and worked in Sheffield for many years and made an invaluable contribution to the world of diabetes.
January 2022
Read a detailed review of the Diabetes and Food event held in November 2021 and how a One Stop Screening service has won a national award.
December 2021
Topics covered this month include food and celebrations, engaging with our doctors and nurses. You can also find out what events are coming up.
November 2021
As well as information on World Diabetes Day and the usual update from the Chair, which is always a good read, there is an article on Healthier Communities together, a new project by Voluntary Action Sheffield.
October 2021
Read about upcoming events. There are also features on Black History Month, running with diabetes and the next stages of Covid-19 vaccinations.
September 2021
This month there is news of how to get involved in a research project and how to get on your bike to help raise funds for Diabetes UK as well as an article on the proposed changes at NICE (National Institute for for Health and Care Excellence.
August 2021
This month you can read a review of July's very informative meeting. It also contains articles on World Diabetes Day, the latest research, how a 24 hour cycle ride went etc etc.
July 2021
This issue includes articles on closed loop technology (an "artificial pancreas" system to monitor and adjust blood sugar levels) and Beat the Street summer game taking place throughout Sheffield, as well as a report on the June meeting when Alison Holloway, a Specialist diabetes dietitian spoke about the key to unlocking healthier eating and a feature on the one million step challenge.
June 2021
This month's issue has an article on the DAFNE and DESMOND education courses, a piece on sport and diabetes featuring the Yorkshire cricketer Jordan Thompson and a report on the May meeting which was all about how technology can help you in managing your diabetes.